Animusic Demo DVD

In 2007 Animusic produced a DVD to demonstrate what Animusic was.  This release contained 2 animations (Pipe Dream and Starship Groove), trailers for the first 2 DVDs, several reels of quotes from critics, and various other files that can be accessed on the CD.  The DVD was apparently shown frequently at Best Buy. Around 2008, Animusic started distributing the demo DVD on their store for free, however, it sold out extremely quickly.


  • Pipe Dream

  • Starship Groove

  • Animusic 1 Trailer

  • Animusic 2 Trailer

  • Reviews

  • Info Screens

  • "Free Stuff" (Wallpapers, MP3s, Screensavers, Starship Groove for iPods)

Article written by Red Rax & Edited by Denyul & iMac