Starship Groove

Starship Groove is the 1st track from the video album “Animusic 2” (2005).





  • Blue Bass Self-Playing Robot

  • Red Treble Self-Playing Robot

  • Two Drummer Robots

    • Left Robot

      1. Kick Drum

      2. Snare Drum

      3. Piccolo Snare Drum

      4. Rear-Mounted Tom

    • Right Robot

      1. Hi-Hat

      2. Crash

      3. Splash

      4. Cowbell

      5. Woodblock

      6. Metal Bar

      7. Rear-Mounted Choked Crash

      8. Rear-Mounted Tom

  • Yellow Accent Cage

  • 4 Synth Speakers

  • Green Stage-Mounted Lasers


  • Solo Cams

    • 1: Blue Robot

    • 2: Red Robot

    • 3: Drummer Robots

  • Development Stills

Trivia: According to Wayne's son Andrew, Starship Groove was called "Techno in Seven" during production, due to its 7/4 time signature.

Beta version

The menus for Animusic 2 feature the two robots from starship groove, but interestingly, the red robot sounds completely different to the final release. This continues on the index screen, where a short clip of the track plays with said different synths for the red robot.

What's even more fascinating in that in this clip, posted as a preview file on, you can also hear the different synths for the red robot, as well as different synths for the blue robot and floor toms, with different mixing overall.

Given the fact that the different synths were being used for content near the final stages of production, like preview clips and menus, it's highly likely that there exists a full beta version of Starship Groove with different synths and different mixing.

Possibly seen on the second Animusic 2 demo disc, which was shown at the 1st Klipsch Pilgrimage on June 25, 2005 in the THX/RSx-54 room

Article written by Denyul & Red Rax