Heavy Light

Heavy Light is the 8th and final track from the video album “Animusic 2” (2005). It is the longest track on this album and the 2nd longest Animusic track after Harmonic Voltage.


RUNNING LENGTH: 6:28 (7:15 with end credits)PREVIOUS ANIMATION: Gyro Drums



  • Blue Synth Chorus Laser Columns

  • Blue Synth Bass Laser Columns

  • Red Tenor Synth Lasers

  • Yellow Synth Lead Lasers

  • Drum Kit

    • 1 Kick Drum

    • 1 Snare Drum

    • 1 Ride Cymbal

    • 1 Splash Cymbal

    • 2 Crash Cymbals

    • 2 Sets of Hi-Hats

    • 2 Electronic Percussive Clickers

    • 3 Woodblock Bars

    • 10 Toms

  • Red Lead Synth Lasers

  • White Chorus Floodlights

  • Green Synth Chirp Lasers

  • 3 Gongs

In a rare move for Animusic, there is an audible instrument with no visual analog - a piano doubling the Yellow Synth Lead Lasers in the song's finale.


Article written by Denyul